How to Make the Performance of the Website Better

While creating a website functionality comes into play to determine whether or not the website will attract visitors. To drive traffic many things need to be considered to make the performance of the website outstanding. Here are some tips to make your website’s performance better. 1. Optimise images For better performance of your website, you … Read more

Website SEO audit tools

Website SEO audit tools can be of great help in identifying any technical issues or improving the on-page optimization of the website. There are many tools available that can help you to analyze and optimize your website. Here is a list of some website SEO audit tools 1. SEMrush site audit SEMrush site audit provides … Read more

How to do On-Page SEO optimization?

To make yourself or your brand visible online and drive more traffic to your website, you can follow simple steps to make your website optimized for the search engine. Individually optimizing your web pages can earn you more visitors. Here is the list of 10 things that you can do for on-page SEO optimization. 1. … Read more

Difference Between Optimization and Responsiveness of a Website

Difference Between Optimization and Responsiveness of a Website

A website is responsive when it can adapt to various devices, and screen sizes, and display its content. , Mobile optimization is a process of designing and developing a website to ensure that it provides users with a good experience and functions on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. Both are related concepts in web … Read more

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