How to Make the Performance of the Website Better

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While creating a website functionality comes into play to determine whether or not the website will attract visitors.

To drive traffic many things need to be considered to make the performance of the website outstanding.

Here are some tips to make your website’s performance better.

1. Optimise images

For better performance of your website, you can optimize the images that you use in your content or within your website.

To do this you can compress images to reduce their file size and use proper image formats such as JPEG for photographs and PNG for graphics with transparency this also allows the website to load faster.

2. Minimise HTTP request

The number of elements on your web page image script and stylesheet can also contribute to your website performance.

You can reduce the number of elements on your web page and the number of HTTP requests required to open the page. Also, you can combine CSS and JavaScript files into a single file if possible.

3. Enable browser caching

You can configure your web server to set caching headers for resources like images and scripts so that the browser can cache them locally, which reduces the need for repeated downloads when the visitors return to your site.

4. Optimise CSS in JavaScript

By optimizing your CSS and JavaScript you can reduce your file sizes and fasten the loading time of your website.

You can also remove unnecessary codes and comments to further speed up your web loading time.

5. Use content delivery network

Using the content delivery networks to deliver the website and its content from a local server near your visitor can reduce the latency and speed of the loading time of your website.

Making your website perform better and deliver its optimum functionality.

6. Gzip compression

When you configure your web server to enable gzip compression it can reduce the size of the files to be transferred between the server and the clients browser.

This can significantly reduce the loading time of your website and retain your visitors, promote the functionality of your website, and boost its performance.

7. Optimum service points

To improve the functionality of your website you can improve the server response time. You can do this by optimizing the database queries, and reducing server-site processing you can also use catching mechanisms wherever necessary and appropriate.

8. Reduce redirects

The number of redirects to your website can be irritating to the users. Moreover, it can also pull down the functionality of your website so you can minimize the number of redirects on your website as it takes extra time to load the pages.


Your website must be in an optimum performance condition. You can make sure that your website’s performance is good by looking into different aspects of the website.

Optimizing images and CSS and JavaScript delivery, enabling gzip compression, using the content delivery network, and minimizing HTTP requests can help improve the performance of your website.

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