Popular Themes of Firefox – Firefox Theming

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Mozilla Firefox offers a variety of themes to enhance your experience while using the browser. These themes range from light to dark and may include multiple colors.

Popular Themes of Firefox

10 Popular Themes of Firefox

Here are some of the popular themes in Firefox to change the appearance of your browser.

1. Matte Black (Red)

It is a dark theme with a hint of red to it. It is similar to other browsers, but Mozilla Firefox has added a red color underlining to the tab when using a certain tab to highlight its current use.

It has over 64,000 users and only works on Firefox’s desktop version.

2. Dynamic Weather Theme

Firefox has a theme named Dynamic Weather. Its specialty is that it changes its pattern based on the weather in your location.

You can easily input your preferred location, and get the weather animated based on that region.

You can notice that animations switch hourly to give you a fair idea of the weather outside while surfing the web.

3. Donald’s Dynamic

Donald’s dynamic is one of the unique themes that changes your browser’s tabs and title bars color by the app you are using or the website you are surfing.

For example, when you open YouTube the title tab will turn red, similar to that when you open Facebook the theme turns into a dark blue color to adopt the icon of the respective website.

4. Dark Space

Dark space falls into the category of another dark theme in Firefox.

The difference between this and other themes is that, with this theme, you’ll see a series of stars across your tab bar.

These stars seem to be moving slowly and blinking and shining as well. Due to its slow movement, it is not distracting and gives a relaxing feeling to the browser.

5. Neutron Stars

Neon Star falls into the space category of the Firefox themes. This theme has a white landing backdrop for Firefox.

You get the appearance of two orbiting orbs on the search tab and bookmark bars that slowly undulate with one another.

6. Kimi no Nawa

If you are an anime freak, you have probably heard about Kimi no Nawa, also known by your name.

It is a Japanese animation film, and the same film inspires this theme. In the search Bar and Bookmark bar, you can see the night sky with the movie protagonists standing in the corner.

With the constant movement of hair as if it is blowing in the wind and the stars before the protagonist sparkle slowly.

7. Stars at Night (blue)

The Starts at Night theme is also one of the animated themes on the list. As the name indicates, you will see a dark blue night sky, filled with sparkling stars in the setting tab, search, and bookmark bars.

8. Running Foxes

Despite the name suggesting an animated running fox, the running foxes theme has a still picture of a fox running into the woods on the search bar, tab, and bookmarks bar.

9. Sunset Foggy Sea

The Sunset Foggy Sea is another theme that keeps the browser as it is except for small changes like the picture of the sun setting in the sea as the backdrop for your search, bookmark bars, and tabs.

10. Rainbow Pastel

Rainbow Pastel is a blend of colors. In this theme, the backdrop of your tab search and bookmark bar appears to have a beautiful blend of pastel pink, orange, yellows, and many more colors.


Firefox offers exciting themes that you can easily apply to your browser to change your experience within the browser while surfing the internet.

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