Features of Larvel

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Larvel is one of the popular PHP frameworks among web designers globally. It is mainly known for its elegant syntax, different developer-friendly features as well and robust ecosystem making work easier for web developers.

Here are some of the key features of Larvel. 

1. Eloquent ORM

With powerful object rational mapping, Larvel simplifies database operation by allowing web designers and developers to work with databases by using PHP syntax instead of writing SQL directly.

2. Routing

Given a simple and expressive writing system within Larvel developers can easily define the application roots by using a concise and readable syntax.

The route can easily respond to various HTTP request methods and it can also be grouped and named in an easy manner making work easier.

3. Middleware

The middleware provided by Larvel helps designers to filter HTTP requests that are entered into the application.

Not just that, it also modifies the request based on different conditions providing more flexibility to handle cross-cutting concerns like authenticating login and CSRF rotation.

4. Blade templating engine

Larvel blade templating engine offers a powerful syntax to create views.

The templates are integrated into PHP codes meaning that Larvel offers different features like tempted inheritance, conditioners loops, and more to make reusable and maintainable views.

5. Authentication and authorization

The built-in support that is provided by Larvel makes it easy to implement authentication and authorization features for your applications.

Features like authentication scaffolding, and support for various authentication methods like API tokens, and OAuth to support designers in achieving their authentication and access control.

6. Artisan console

A command line interface included in Larvel provides a helpful command for building codes managing database migrations and seeding databases sling with test data. It also helps the developers to generate boilerplate codes and many more.

This interface is called artisan and helps create custom commands to automate comments on repetitive tasks.

7. Database migration and seeding

The database migration system helps developers to define database schemas. It uses codes like PHP that make version control and share changes easier among other web developers.

Moreover, it also provides a seeding functionality to the database helping in database populating along with data testing.

8. Testing support

An inbuilt support that comes with Larvel helps developers to write and share by using a PHP unit. It aids developers while providing convenient methods for testing HTTP endpoints on sole commands interactions and many more as it comes along with a suit of pre return test to ensure quality maintenance.

9. Task scheduling

Larvel will make scheduling your tasks easier as it has allowed developers to define the task by using a fluent API.

Thus casual tasks can be run in specific time intervals which makes routine maintenance easier and automatic. Task scheduling is also easiest as sending periodic emails or performing another background task can be done automatically by scheduling.

10.  Job processing

With the help of a simple and efficient queue system, Larvel can help developers to off time-consuming tasks.

With drivers like Redis, beanstalk, Amazon SQS, and many more developers can scale their applications in a well-managed and easy form.


Larvel is a PHP framework that is popular among web designers and developers as it provides an elegant and developer-friendly development framework.

With features like middleware and routing, a templating engine, and authentication and authorization developers can ease their workload. Additionally, it also provides test support and task scheduling taking a lot of load off from the developer’s work schedule.

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